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Friday Five: March 25, 2016

March is flying by faster than the two comets which just zoomed by Earth: As of Saturday, March 19, it’s now officially spring*. For nonprofits, spring can be a good time to take stock of the year and reassess their approach to outreach. Here are five cool and useful outreach-related stories to learn from and to brighten your day:

That’s all for this week. We’ll see you next week as we edge closer to April. Remember that we’re here for all your nonprofit needs, and we always offer a free, in-person consult, right off the 7th and Figueroa subway stop. Yes, L.A. has a subway!

In the meantime, drop us a line at or call us at (213) 736-5101. We’re here to help.

Technically, for some people, spring arrived Sunday, March 20—it varies by the time zone you live in. More from