Friday Five: January 12, 2018
Yesterday marked the 110th anniversary of President Theodore Roosevelt’s designation of the Grand Canyon as a national monument. While home to Native Americans for centuries, the immense and radiantly colored vision that is the Grand Canyon was not experienced by Europeans until 1540. Even as late as the 1860s, the breath-taking view of the Grand Canyon remained ‘terra incognita’ to most non-natives. By the late 19th century, however, the ever-expanding fascination with respects to wilderness and nature amongst Americans made the canyon an increasingly popular destination. By 1915, more that 100,000 tourists were visiting the Grand Canyon each year. With its conservation in mind, President Roosevelt believed the canyon should be forever preserved for the benefit of the people, and in 1908 the national monument was created. Congress increased its protection in 1932 and made it a national park. People who visit the Grand Canyon National Park today see a vista that has remained predominantly unchanged from the view of nearly 500 years ago. And now that we’ve got you awe-struck and googling pictures of the Grand Canyon, check out these five nonprofit headlines from the news this week.
1. "M" or "F"? None of the Above
A new law designed to offer a gender-neutral option on state documents will soon allow Californians to identify as non-binary rather than the traditional “M” (male) or “F” (female). Under a bill from State Senator Toni Atkins which was signed into law in October 2017 by Governor Jerry Brown, those who fall somewhere outside the traditional conceptions of male and female will be able to mark their birth certificates, driver’s licenses and other official documents with an “X” (non-binary). So what does this mean for nonprofit employers? Click on the link above from Emplicity for four steps you can take to be proactive in addressing changes and to be more welcoming to non-binary employees.
2. Want to Work at a Nonprofit? Read This First.
Nonprofit work is not right for everyone. Aside from being able to say, “I’m making a difference,” there are several other mitigating factors that motivate people to join the nonprofit sector. Whether you’ve made the decision to devote your entire career to nonprofit work or are considering making a mid-career transition from the for-profit world, there are a few things to consider. Are you yourself contemplating a professional life devoted to serving others? Check out the link above to learn the seven things Forbes says you should know before starting work at a nonprofit.
3. 10 Things Nonprofits Should NOT Do
Most of us in the nonprofit sector spend a lot of time reading and observing the ways in which nonprofits operate. While most of us in the not-for-profit world want to see mission-based organizations succeed and thrive, certain “crash-and-burn” thinking in nonprofit management seemingly appears to hope for the opposite. A recent article from Nonprofit Quarterly has named 10 ways to kill a nonprofit—a list of pitfalls that those who do not wish to put an end to their organization should avoid. Want to make your nonprofit as successful as possible? Click the link above to discover what NOT to do when managing your organization.
4. Met Museum: Out-of-Towners Must Pay
For the first time in 50 years, the Metropolitan Museum of Art is changing its admission policy. Under the new policy, non-New Yorkers must now pay a mandatory admission fee of $25 as apposed to the current “suggested” admission price (also $25). According to The New York Times, the change—taking effect on March 1—is a consequence of economic necessity as the Met has seen a sharp decline of visitors willing to pay the suggested price. While the Met has seen a significant increase in attendance, only 17% of out-of-towners pay the full suggested amount. Some art critics argue the Met’s new policy is a mistake. What do you think? The above link provides a more detailed run down of the policy and the museum’s reasoning behind the change.
Often a discussion of excellence and collaboration, a conversation about organizational culture can seem a bit immaterial or redundant. While it is beneficial that organizations talk about standardized actions and values to align its team members, there are underlying systems in place that support and incentivize the way nonprofits interact. According to Forbes, these rarely discussed systems are “boring,” yet meaningful aspects in the creation of culture within an organization. Contemplating a change in culture for your nonprofit? For next steps, questions to consider and more information about how systems and processes help influence organizational culture, take a look at the article linked above.
That’s it for this week’s Friday Five! We’re contemplating a last-minute road trip to Arizona this weekend to visit the Grand Canyon! See you next week!
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